Sunday, January 16, 2011

Changes in the mix

After researching and talking with quite a few bloggers, I've decided to move to Wordpress. I'm usually one of those people that jumps into a new project with both feet and then fizzles out. I hesitated with blogging because of this, but I truly think it's something that I can see through. I have a lot to contribute. I have big goals!

In the meantime, while I research how to best accomplish this move, I'm going to limit my posting. Simple reasoning for this is, less posting, less to move.

I will keep joining blog hops, just because they are fun and I love finding new blogs to read and hoping that people might latch onto my blog as well.

If anyone has any tips or advice for the moving process or blogging in general, feel free to comment.

Thanks so much!



  1. Hi Billie! I made the switch back in the Summer. At first I was really scared about it went much easier than I could have imagined. I'm really glad I did it though, I love WP! Be sure to install the Blogger importer plugin and it will pull all your posts from matter how many you have. So easy! If I can do it, anybody can. LOL

    I just wanted to stop by and thank you for linking up with us on Let's Get Social. We appreciate you helping us get the word out!
    I'm returning the follow luv and hope to see you back next Sunday!

    Guide to Smart Shopping

  2. Hi Billie! Just got your message and I'm writing my reply now. I agree with what Bridget said... you can continue to post as much as you want to. The importing won't matter if you have a 100 or a 1000 posts!

    Expect to hear from me shortly!

  3. Hi there...clueless on wordpress, wish I could help! But I can tell you that posting each day definitely helps make for a good blog!

    I am here however, to return your FMBT follow!

  4. I am still on blogger but I imagine one day I also will be making the move to WP. I keep putting it off because blogger is so easy to use!

    Thanks for the follow! I am now following you back.
